Layered Candle Project


Create an elegant layered candle of your choosing. Make different designs using moulds of you choice for different looks.

What you’ll need

  • Ultimate Candle Making Kit

  • Mould(s) of choice

  • Microwave

  • 2 microwave safe dishes

  • Protective sheet

  • Toothpicks

  • Oven mitts

  • Heat safe plate

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Create an elegant layered candle of your choosing. Make different designs using moulds of you choice for different looks.

What you’ll need

  • Ultimate Candle Making Kit

  • Mould(s) of choice

  • Microwave

  • 2 microwave safe dishes

  • Protective sheet

  • Toothpicks

  • Oven mitts

  • Heat safe plate

Create an elegant layered candle of your choosing. Make different designs using moulds of you choice for different looks.

What you’ll need

  • Ultimate Candle Making Kit

  • Mould(s) of choice

  • Microwave

  • 2 microwave safe dishes

  • Protective sheet

  • Toothpicks

  • Oven mitts

  • Heat safe plate


1. Gather all the required items. Set up a working area close to a microwave. We have used microwave safe bowls, but disposable microwave safe containers are also suitable. One container must be wider than the other. We have used a blister mould system, but any type of mould will work well.


2. Decide the shape and colours of the candle you are making. We have made a red to white layered candle. You can go with any colour and shape you want. We have done 3 layers, but this is also up to you. The instructions outlined below are for the 3 layered candle.

3. Our mould sits upside down, so we pour the top layer first. If the mould you are using stands upright then pour the bottom layer first. For our example, top layer is white, the middle layer is salmon & the bottom layer is deep red.


4. To start, fill half of the wider bowl with water. Keep aside. Depending on the mould you use, pour out 1/3 of the total wax required into the smaller microwavable dish. The mould we have used here needed 180g wax, so we poured out 60g wax. Break the wax chips apart if they are too chunky.


5. Place the dish with the wax into the dish with water. Ensure that the dish with wax is stable. The water from the second dish will help in melting the wax. Paraffin wax will not melt in a microwave without the water.

6. Next, prepare your mould. It is recommended to clean your mould with a wet cloth before pouring wax. Place the mould on an even heat safe place. Now place the candle wicks provided in the Ultimate Candle making kit into the mould. Remember to ensure that the wick is straight before placing it. The metal base should be kept at the bottom. Use the wooden wick holders provided in the kit to keep the wick in place.

7. Now start melting the wax. Keep stirring at 2–3 minute intervals. It took us 6 minutes to melt 60g wax but this can depend on the heat setting, the amount of wax and the microwave etc. Keep stirring until all the wax is melted and is clear.


8. Now slowly pour the melted wax into the mould. It should start solidifying and turning white very quickly. Ensure the wick in the candle is upright after pouring - if not, reset it carefully. Now wait for the wax to dry completely. This will take about 4 hours.


9. For the colours it is essential to crush the dye into a fine powder as it is very potent. For a light red, we put in 1 pinch of dye. For the dark red, we added 2 big pinches of red dye. Depending on your colours and tones, set your dyes aside. The dyes are intermixable so any colour can be achieved but it is recommended to use very little dye.


10. Once you are confident the wax has solidified, prepare the next batch of wax. Repeat steps 4,5 and 7 again. Now add the colour. We wanted a light red, so we added 1 small pinch of dye. Stir well until the mixture is clear red.


11. Ensure there is no dyed wax left in your dish because it will mix into your next batch of wax (if the container is disposable, then throw it away).

12. Now repeat steps 10 and 11 with 1 big pinch of red dye. Wait till it is completely dry.


13. Leave the candle to dry overnight. Once the wax has solidified, remove the candle from the mould and cut off the excess candle wick using scissors. Trim the wick to leave roughly 1cm above wax surface. 

14. Your layered candle is ready to use. Add a ribbon and tag for the perfect gift!